Why Us?

Working with our experts gives you privileged access to incredible experiences and amenities.

We are expert travel advisors.

Travel agents and travel advisors are different, as a travel agent only presents opportunities that they earn commission on. Generation Go provides incredible lodging, entertainment, sporting events, tours and hidden gems. We are unique because we act as a combination of travel expert and concierge. We will open your eyes to a whole new world of travel opportunities. Generation Go makes the best recommendations for a transformational experience.

Would you use your lawyer or accountant if you knew they were only recommending things that they got commissions on?

When you use Generation Go, lodging options are not just limited to hotels, spas and resorts. In addition to the best in lodging, we offer better perks than traditional travel agents offer. From luxury short term rentals to homestay-based cultural living and everything in between, we have a world of lodging opportunities at our fingertips.

We look for transformational experiences that will make your next vacation one that you’ll never forget.

What is Transformational Travel?

Transformational travel is any form of travel that opens your mind to try new things. We help you explore outside of your comfort zone in way that will positively impact your life. Generation Go will help you stretch your boundaries and experience the world in a new way. Tranformational travel supercharges your personal growth and inspires you to leave the world a better place than you found it.

Some of the benefits of booking with us:

  • Room upgrades
  • Late checkouts
  • Complimentary dining experiences
  • Special access to exclusive events
  • Unique dinners, parties and underground dining
  • Reservations at “impossible” to book locations
  • Behind the scene tours
  • The best private guides and drivers
  • Access to secret places and experiences that only locals know about